Have a laugh, Play Ortuga
Have a laugh, Play Ortuga
Have a laugh, Play Ortuga
Have a laugh, Play Ortuga

Ortuga (pronounced “Or 2 Ga”), the fantastic board game for 2-4 players, suitable for anyone with Sea Legs, an Eye Patch or that can squawk like a Parrot. You, the Captain must recruit a bloodthirsty crew to scour the Seven Seas in search of the lost treasure of Captain Juan Ortuga. Your task is to sail to the Far Sides of the World, fight other crews to win Gold & Booty.

Ortuga - How To Play


Beware of Pirates half crazed with scurvy or those driven mad by the beautiful Sirens on the Isle of Wit’s End, as these merciless souls will take you captive and imprison you in the Deadman’s Chest. Trust no one, not even your own Shipmates !
Take heed, for your destiny may be sealed by a spin of the dreaded Laughing Skull Compass, the fickle hand of fate can serve up some very cruel deals indeed; though perhaps not as cruel as the Chef’s Rat Stew which could bring down the entire crew.

Finally, before you embark there are a few things you should know. Muttley, the flea ridden Ship’s Dog has a liking for Wooden Legs; The Kraken is not just a fable told by drunken Pirates, this gruesome creature is very real indeed. And lastly, the Ghost of Ortuga, who tirelessly roams the High Seas, will test your courage to its very core.
Drink Up Me Hearties !